Thursday, June 13, 2013

What am I doing?

A few years ago I bought a copy of The Book of the Camp Fire Girls, copyright 1962.  It's as close to the one I had when I was a Camp Fire Girl.  I loved being a Camp Fire Girl! It was the only club I have ever joined.  I was proud of it and would have continued had our group not fallen apart.  In the beginning we were a group of girls who all went to the same school.  We met at the home of one member whose mother was our leader, Oh excuse me, GUARDIAN!  During the summer between 4th and 5th grade the school boundaries were re-drawn.  Every one of us lived inside the new boundary and stayed in the same school.  Everyone but one girl.  The girl whose mother was our guardian.  We stayed together for a while but the guardian's daughter made new friends at her school and lost interest in our Camp Fire Group and left to join Girl Scouts. Traitor!  The mother continued as our guardian but she had also lost interest and it showed.  No other mother stepped forward to lead us and one by one girls started dropping out until it was just two of us.  Our meetings and activities had dwindled so much that I saw no choice but to drop out.  Sorry Julie! 
My goal now, as I approach retirement, is to follow the chapters in the book and give myself the awards I would have earned 50 years ago.  One decision I have to make is do I count things I have already accomplished or should I re-acquaint myself with the skills I already have? I think I will decide these things as I go along. Some of the activities in the book look quite dangerous looking at them from this side as an adult and not a child.  I have two grown sons and I would never have let them cut tin cans when they were 8 or 9 years old.  Maybe I can put a modern spin on these activities.  What I don't want to do is follow a  modern Camp Fire Handbook.  I have never seen one but I'm sure their activities are more indoor oriented and not what I'm interested in.  I'm sure it wouldn't be nearly as much fun.
So HERE WE GO!  Follow along with me...or not.  I'm doing this for myself and not trying to impress anyone.  It's also a secret.  Even my family doesn't know what I'm doing.


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