Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Three Camp Fire Ranks

I will list the 3 ranks and the requirements for the first, Trail Seeker.  I had achieved this rank before our group came to an end.  Instead of the silver charm that says is the award, I remember having a flat wooden bead with the symbol painted on.  I don't know where this bead is, I may still have it.  I guess that was our economical way of awarding ourselves.  I believe I painted the bead myself.
Much of the text that follows came directly from the Camp Fire Book.
"Trail Seeker-means you seek something. (that definitely applies to me) It means you want to find the way to do things and try new things.  In this rank there will be hikes with lunches eaten out of doors, service given to others, Indian symbol games and your first group ceremonial(not likely as I am on my own.) You will help to plan a party and a trip and do many other things."  Well, my birthday is coming up but I haven't planned a party.  As for hiking and lunches out of doors this may not have been the best time to start in Southeast Texas!
"Becoming a Wood Gatherer means you strive to grow strong in loyalty, to progress, to learn, to accomplish, to share with your group.  You will enjoy games and dances, an exciting symbol project, making friends with people from other countries while learning to be a good citizen of our own country. There will be cookouts, dramatics, ceremonials and you will decorate your ceremonial costume." This will take some adaptation since it's just me, no group.  I doubt that I will be dancing.  I have many friends from other countries.  My oldest son was born in Ecuador-does he count as a friend from another country? I definitely need to learn to be a better citizen of my own country as she and I haven't seen eye-to-eye in a very long time.  I am looking forward to cookouts and the symbol project.
"Becoming a Fire Maker will mean self-development, responsibility, service, sharing with others your skills and your joys on the camp fire trail, sports and games, parties, cookouts and camping trips help you keep physically and mentally fit.  Learning to be a gracious hostess will increase your homemaking skills.  Here you will have a real service project of your own choosing, and a new creative arts experience for you and your group." Wow, one thing at a time!  I think I will address this when I come to it.

But first I will pursue the rank of Trail Seeker.

Trail Seeker's Desire
I desire
 to seek the way
that shall become
a delight to my feet,
for it will bring me
to the fire of human kindness
lighted by those
who have gone before me
on the Camp Fire trail.
                                   Theodore A. Harper
The requirements for Trail Seeker rank are:
1. Name the 3 ranks in Camp Fire and the Seven Crafts.  Describe the color symbolism of the 8
different honor beads.  Tell the meaning of the watchword and the slogan.
2. Make plans with your group and go on a hike.  Take a trailside lunch which you have prepared yourself.  Look and listen for interesting things in nature.  Tell your group about 2 or 3.
3. Learn the Trail Seeker's Desire.  Talk with your guardian about what it means to you.  Describe the symbols on the Trail Seeker's charm.
4. Choose at least 1 honor(maybe more) in each of the Seven Crafts. Earn these honors at a group meeting or by yourself.  Keep a record of the honors you earn.
5. Give Service to others by doing 1 of the following:
    a. Make decorations for a hospital, children's home or day nursery.
    b. Make a gift for an elderly person or a shut-in child.
    c. Gather material and make dish gardens or seasonal bouquets for shut-ins.
 6.  With your group, find out about American Indian symbols and how the Indians use them.
     Do 1 of the following:
     a. Play 2 or 3 symbol games, using at least 6 different Indian symbols.
     b. Help to make or draw a group picture story, using 6 or more Indian symbols.
     c. Use 6 Indian symbols in making something, like invitations or decorations.
7. Take part in your group ceremonial meetings.  Receive the honor beads you have earned.  Sing
songs you have learned in your group, choosing some from this book.
8. Help your group to make plans for a meeting for your parents, sponsors, or teachers.  Tell them about Camp Fire Girls and when and where the organization started: do this by acting, talking, or drawing.  Have games, songs and refreshments.
9. Choose a Camp Fire name for yourself.  Before choosing your name, tell your guardian what you want it to mean to you. 
10. Make plans with  your group and visit an interesting place like a science or nature or art museum or zoo, where you will see and learn something new.  Match memories and talk abut your new experiences in a group meeting after the trip.
When you have achieved this rank, you will receive your Trail Seeker's Certificate and 5 small purple honor beads.  Then you may wear the Trail Seeker's silver charm.  These are awarded to you at a group ceremonial.  They are records of your progress on the Camp Fire trail.

It has just occurred to me that this blog can substitute for group meetings and ceremonials. 
So I have named the 3 ranks already and I have them memorized.
The Seven Crafts are as follows(but I haven't memorized them).  I will list them and what I intend to do in each category.  Of course I have to put an adult spin on things or do something I have never done.  I only have to do ONE from each Craft to become a Trail Seeker.
1. "Business-honor beads are yellow-they are symbols of the harvest, of work done happily with good results.  Every girl should have experiences earning and saving money to help make her plans come true." Well, I have had a lot of experience earning my own money and saving for something special.  For this category I have chosen the following activities-
     a.  Keep a personal detailed record of every cent you receive, spend and save for a month.
          This is something I have done before but I think it is a good exercise for everyone just to
          keep an eye on where your money is really going. I will start next Monday when I get my   
          paycheck.  I get paid only once a month, the first of every month.  I like this because it makes
          things very simple.  Pay the bills on the first and then budget what is left until the next one.
          I check my bank balance online every day to make sure bills are paid but now I am going
          to keep a record of every cent.  If I withdraw money from the ATM I will make a note of it
          and when I spend it or give it away(I have 2 kids!) I will keep track of that also.
     b.  Make yourself a schedule, perhaps a bedroom bulletin board or chart and try to keep it.
          Yes, I need to budget my time better.  I get distracted easily and waste a lot of time. At my
          age I don't want to do that anymore.
      c. Figure out the cost of a day's meals for your family.  Keep a record of this for one week.
          A few years ago I did this just for the food I eat.  It came out to $90/month.  I need to do it  
          again as I know prices have gone up.  It's hard to do this for the entire family as no one in
          my house eats the same thing.  I am vegan.  My husband eats all kinds of meats.  My son
          who lives with us is very erratic as to what he eats.  I will give it a try.
      d.  Keep a record of the books and stories you have read for a month.  I have been doing this
          since January and didn't even know it would fulfill a Camp Fire honor!  I have read 27
          novels since January.  Not bad since it is only June 26th!  Novels are easy though.  To modify
          this and make it harder I will strive to read 1 non-fiction book for every novel I read for one     
2. Citizenship Craft-honor beads are red, white, and blue. These colors stand for good citizenship in our homes, at school, church or synagogue, in our community, and the world.  Church or synagogue?  Did they not hear of the separation of Church and State? I don't understand what some of these "honors" have to do with citizenship. For instance, one of the suggestions was washing and ironing doll clothes for a shut-in. Of course a lot of the things on the list I have already done.  No awards for something I have already accomplished.  I am 60 years old after all.
       a.  Keep yourself clean and neat and select clothes so you are attractive as possible each day for    one month. What does that have to do with being a good citizen?  I admit I may be beyond redemption in this category.  I keep myself clean but I wear jeans every day of the week. In my job it doesn't matter what I wear to work and I feel like myself in jeans.  I could do better about ironing my blouses and I know I don't choose the most flattering styles.  I will think about this one but there are many more important things to be accomplished in life.
        b.  Have your fingerprints taken and put on file at the proper place. I'm just wondering where the proper place is for an 8 or 9-year-old to have their fingerprints on file?  I have done this for my job a couple of time and of course when I joined the Peace Corps.  Lord only knows where those are filed!
        c. Be immunized-OK!  I'm going to get my shingles vaccine in July.  It's something every 60-year- old should do.  I don't know why the magic age is 60.  My husband got shingles a couple of months before his 60th birthday.  Maybe they should lower that to 50? 
        d. Read 2 books that will help you  understand Americans of different national or racial backgrounds from yours.  I will do this.  Can I have that count towards the books I read for my
Business  Craft? No, no double-dipping!
        e.on a map of your state find and mark 8 or 10 rivers, cities or other geographical areas with Indian names.  Discover the tribes from which these names were taken.
        f. Learn the Bill of Rights.  Something everyone should do!
        g. -take part in making a group exhibit of model dwellings people live in the world over, such as teepees, wigwams, tree houses, adobe houses, thatched houses, etc.  Years ago I helped my son make a miniature adobe house.  That was fun and I have wanted to do  more projects like that. 
3. Creative Arts Craft-honor beads are green, nature's color of creation and growing things.  Dramatics, dancing, music, hand arts, writing, and other ways of creating beauty are in this Craft.
     a. Cut and print a design, border or all-over pattern using a potato, carrot, green pepper(?)
          other vegetable block.
     b. Make "kitchen prints," using such forms as bottle tops, potato mashers, wooden or metal
         forks or spoons, tin cans, jars, etc.
     c. Make a bandanna, halter, apron, or scarf.  I have a pattern for an apron that I have wanted
        for years.  I am going to make it.  I could have it done in one day. 
     d. Weave material for an article such as a bookmark, belt, pot holder, scarf or bag.  Weave it on a 
        cardboard, peg-type, soda straw, flat frame or Indian type loom. I have a loom and I am going
        to learn how to use it. 
     e. Knit or crochet a simple article-I have done this.  I have a poncho pattern I have wanted to knit.
         I am going to do this.
     f.  Make a wind harp.  I'm not sure what this is but it interests me to find out!
     g. Paint, decorate or re-decorate 1 of the following: a chair, cabinet, knife rack, set of canisters,  
         bread box, cheese board, tray set of coasters or similar piece of kitchen equipment. I have
         kitchen chairs that have needed re-painting and new seat covers.  I am going to do this.
     h. Make a scrap book-I want to make a scrap book for each of my most recent trips-Paris,
         Lisbon, Bolivia.
4. Frontiers Craft-honor beads are blue.  They symbolize the sky which extends to far horizons and 
    to  new frontiers.  In this Craft there are experiments in science-sound, light, magnetics and other 
     a. Learn how to shut off the water supply to your home.
     b. Learn how foods were preserved 100 years ago.
     c. go on a camera hike.  Take at least one good picture.
     d. Write a letter using invisible ink.
     e. Make a floating compass.  First I have to learn what that is!
     f. Make a pin hole camera.
5.  Home Craft-honor beads are flame color.  Flame is symbolic of the hearth fire of the home.  In this Craft is the service girls give to their homes and to their families.
     a. Clean the refrigerator.
     b. Take one month to clean/fix-up one room of the house.
     c. Make a list of things to do daily, weekly, monthly to keep your house clean.
     d. Make vegan pudding.
     e. Learn to make candied orange peel.
     f. List everything you eat for 3 days.
    g. Make pickles.
    h. Have a collection of 4 house plants. I want herbs growing in my kitchen.
6. Outdoor Crafts-honor beads are brown; that reminds us of earth, tree trunks, the woods and wildlife.  Hiking, camping, exploring and nature hobbies are found in this Craft.
    a. Learn to identify 5 bird species.
    b. grow plants from kitchen cuttings.
    c. find 5 native plants that were used for food, clothes or other purposes by the Indians.  Tell how
        they were prepared and used.
    d. Make an Indian loom and weave something on it.  What is an Indian loom?
    e. Make biscuits on dessert in foil.
    f. cook potatoes 3 ways outdoors.
   g. Cook a dish on a tin can gypsy stove that you have made.
   h. Go on a litter bug outing and clean up an area that others have left littered.
7. Sports and Games Craft-honor beads are red for your apple-red cheeks for good health, and keeping physically fit.  Games and exercise, outdoors and in, active skills and good sportsmanship are in this craft. Many things in this category that aren't practical for me.
    a. one suggestion is walk 1/2 mile every day for 2 weeks.  I will modify this and say I will use
       my NordicTrack for at least 1/2 hr a day for 2 weeks. 


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