These are the camp fire laws as scanned from the Book of the Camp Fire Girls.
1. "Worship God-Creation is God's gift to us; with our hearts we worship and praise him." Well, that's one law I tended to skip over as a child. I'm sure more religious girls had no problem with it but I didn't see why it had to be part of an after-school program. My mother was erratic about taking us to church. she would force us to go several weeks in a row and then forget about it for several weeks. Around our house the words God and Jesus were swear words. A prayer was something you had to endure before a big meal. Believing in God was something I just didn't get. As an adult I have been Catholic and pagan. I believe creation is just creation. I feel lucky to be alive but I think it is nothing more than a happy accident. Worshipping and praising are something I just don't know how to do. I have read that this was not included in the original Camp Fire laws. It was probably added to appease parents who thought there was too much of a Native American influence in the organization. Looking at it as an adult I see a lot of similarities between this and pagan ceremonies. Maybe that's what appealed to me!
2."Seek Beauty-Don't wait for someone to show you something beautiful. Seek beauty means to look for it everywhere around you. Beauty is found in music, sunsets, snowflakes, white clouds in a blue sky, your home, stars at night, wildflowers, a baby, a soft warm cuddly puppy, or in the smile of a friend. Where else do you find beauty?" It took me years to recognize beauty and to appreciate it. When someone pointed out the beauty of a forest or mountains I would agree but inside I wondered what is it that is beautiful? It was just there. I had to live in a city for many years before learning to appreciate nature. Now it is something I crave and I feel myself dying inside being stuck in an ugly city seeing the same concrete back and forth to work. The heat in this area makes it impossible to go outside and appreciate any little patch of green there may be. The flatness is another thing that just kills my soul. Looking out and seeing nothing but more buildings and power lines is just not what we were meant to see.
I want to make my home beautiful but sharing it with my family who seem blind to my efforts is very frustrating. I hear things like this---Why not just duct tape my weather station to the outside of the house? Who cares? At least the tape is your favorite color of blue! Who cares that the carpet has grease spots we track in on our shoes? Who cares that the furniture is thread-bare and filthy?
I realize that men, at least the men in my life, husband and sons, really don't care how the place looks or smells. I have to find beauty where I can create it and keep it private because no one else appreciates it or respects it enough not to destroy it.
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